Spotting the signs of canine arthritis

The aim of the Arthritis AWARE campaign is to give dogs suffering with arthritis a voice and to get audiences to think about arthritis differently, shifting their perception of osteoarthritis as an old dog disease, to one which could affect dogs of all ages. 

The campaign was born out of a deep concern for the silent suffering that many dogs go through due to living with osteoarthritis. We want to bridge the gap between vets and pet owners, making it easier for owners to spot the early signs of arthritis and initiate conversations about the condition. 

Our mission is to ensure that no dog's pain goes unnoticed, and that we can take proactive steps towards their well-being. 

The campaign uses a variety of executions to help uncover what a dog is really showing us – through behavioural or physical signs. We’re encouraging audiences to look behind the signs, in order to question and understand that pain and inflammation caused by early onset arthritis could be affecting their dog. 

What we did

Deliver a distinctive disease awareness campaign by communicating an A.W.A.R.E. acronym created to make the 5 signs of arthritis more memorable.

Each letter has its own dog ‘petsona’ to help deliver the key messages in a relatable, engaging and empathetic tone. 

  • Campaign creation with multi-channel execution to communicate a highly emotional and change campaign – we’ve made a huge difference to dogs suffering in pain. 
  • Scoping, strategy, planning, research B2B & B2C, channel planning, second to non-client servicing & reporting, creative ideation, brand ID development, character storytelling, petsonnas, copy writing 
  • Design, illustration, videos, websites, sales aids, emails, social media, media plan adaptation, POS & social media kits, brochures, posters, leaflets and more and more and more! 
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